Lasso is the Brussels' platform for cultural participation.
We encourage people and organizations to collaborate around art, culture and participation. In this way, we inspire and reinforce each other across sectors and communities.
Learn more about us and our projects.
Lasso wants art and culture to be by everyone and for everyone.
We work on an inclusive cultural offer in which everyone can participate equally. We want to eliminate thresholds and preconceptions and work on a cultural offer that can be experienced or designed together with others.
Find out more about our vision.
Lasso joins forces across sectors and communities.
We involve organisations and institutions from the arts sector, the heritage sector, socio-cultural work, youth work, the educational sector and the welfare sector. Within these sectors, Lasso wants to reach as many professionals and volunteers as possible, who contribute to participation in arts and culture.
Discover what we can do for you.
Lasso is active in the metropolitan context of Brussels.
A context which is diverse, multilingual and international, with big differences between poor and rich. We respond to these challenges and opportunities, and are always looking for experimentation. We share our expertise and the expertise of our partners, thus stimulating innovation and transition.
More on our network.
Featured project


Explo Labo

Move It Kanal
Art Inclusive

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