Emotion is central to the lives of the very young. And artistic and creative activities contribute to their emotional development, both at home and in care. Care initiatives thus stimulate the talents of babies and toddlers, as well as those of the carers and other professionals who look after them.

Explo Labo
therefore focuses on childcare. Within the project, Lasso supports innovative initiatives that focus on cooperation around art and culture. To this end we create small local networks, consisting of professionals and volunteers from day-care centres, artists, public workers from art houses, community centres, etc. In each of these networks, Lasso supervises trial projects tailored to the operation and the children involved. In the process, attention is also paid to the participating adults: to strengthening the cultural and/or pedagogical competences of the child carers, pre-school supervisors and artistic or cultural workers involved.

The applied methodologies are mapped and the results shared with practitioners from Brussels and Flanders. In this way, we ensure that innovative initiatives find their way into the field. Lasso is assisted in this by the Erasmushogeschool - Department of Early Childhood Pedagogy. After thorough analysis, they will summarise their experiences in a report with concrete recommendations. The project will run for three years (2022-2025) and is made possible through funding from the Flemish Government.

Ongoing project
Running time
Sinds 2023